Thrills of Smoking Food

You might have come across the making of food on high temperatures but even though a distinct reminding of what cold cooking is may not be coming to you. Well, just to add more to your knowledge, this kind of cooking is almost similar to hot smoking, except that the temperature of the cooking is very low here. The basic of it is that it is kept at the temperature ranging between 80 degrees Fahrenheit to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature should never go higher than 120 degrees. The time may generally take from four hours to four days. And the additional yet cautious information is that if the temperature goes above then it becomes a form of hot smoking.

The cold-smoked food include bacon, sausage, ham, cheese, and most importantly fish. Salt is added before smoking fish to prevent the goring of bacteria. There are seasons that are determined for cold-smoked food. In summers, it is usually done very less because the temperature that is required for cold smoking exceeds and touches the requirements for hot smoked foods. For cold-smoked foods, smoke is transferred to the cooking container by piping as in this way heat can be regulated in an easy way.

Smoking food with the help of electric smokers has become the most healthy and reliable way of cooking. The best part is that it can be used for both residential and commercial purposes. You can control the temperature depending upon the kind of food you are cooking on it. And it is not just the flesh that is cooked; vegetables also get a different taste if made with these electric smokers.

If talking about food smokers then they are the best way to add exceptional flavors which cannot be done in any other method. If you are smoking meat then steam is made to cover the entire flesh which enables the meat to cook slowly and take its own time becoming fully smoked. There are usually three steps to smoke the food. The first step is more about flavor than preserving. Flavors such as herbs and spices are added as seasonings followed by the salting process. The second process involves drying out in a controlled humidity and the final stage is where actual smoking process takes place. Tarry deposits from the smoke kettle on the food. You can further hot-smoke or cold-smoke your food after here.